Reflecting on 2020 and Visioning 2021

Uncategorized Dec 20, 2020

What a year it has been! I know a lot of us are very happy to be leaving 2020 behind. It’s been a tough year to say the least.

One positive takeaway from 2020 is that if you survived 2020, you can survive anything.

When you look back over the year, would you say that you have grown at all? The thing is we don’t really grow when things are really easy. Just like it takes straining a muscle to increase it’s size and strength we usually need to go through challenging things in order to experience growth in our lives.

I’ve seen massive growth in my life as well as the lives of many others this past year. I’m sure you have as well.

This is a tool I have used before to reflect on my year: It’s a very worthwhile thing to do as we can so quickly forget what we have accomplished and how far we’ve come.

Not only that, but now is the perfect time to look ahead to 2021 and set your intentions for the year. What do you want to...

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Do These 5 Things to Stop Self Sabotaging Yourself

mindset Dec 01, 2020

Do you feel it?

That resistance?

Whenever you try to move towards what you want it’s like there’s a rubber band around your waste that is bolted to the wall behind you. You exert energy to move forward but the band just pulls you back again.

The band is the ego. Our ego wants to keep us safe and comfortable. “Don’t go too far from what we know! Don’t stretch me too much!”

You can call it self sabotage, you can call it your paradigms, the ego, limiting beliefs…whatever. It keeps you from getting to where you want to get.

I’m not going to lie. I haven’t found any shortcut to the process of growth. Nor have I seen anyone that ever mastered themselves to the point where they don’t go through this resistance anytime they are going to a new level in life.

It’s part of the journey.

But what I have found, is there are some tools that can help us in this process. We all have to climb the mountain of life. You can do it...

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5 Secret Ingredients to Creating a Life Script That Works

Uncategorized Nov 23, 2020

One of the best things I did for myself was creating a life script. If you’re not familiar with life scripts then keep reading because this will really help you. If you are familiar with them still check this out as what I have to say will help you take them to the next level.

I first learned about Life scripts from Peggy McColl. She has a great little program that goes into detail about creating yours, which I used to help get mine written. This is her free ebook on it>>

Life scripts are where you write a script for your life, just like there is a script for a play. You go into detail about your character, the parts you want to play, what you want to experience, who you want to become, the setting that you live in, the work that you do, etc.

A life Script is like affirmations on steroids.

Once you have written it out then you record yourself, or someone else reading it and then listen to it over and over everyday.

The idea behind this is that the repetition of the...

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You Can Change Your Reality in Seconds Without Hard Work or Money

Uncategorized Oct 28, 2020


Wouldn’t you love to snap your fingers and change your current reality into a better one? One where you were happy, peaceful, abundant, successful and thriving?!

You might be thinking, “Uh yah, of course. Where’s the magic formula for that?!”

The truth is that each and every one of us has the power to do this in our own life but most people just don’t realize it.

This is truly so simple but I rarely see someone who is good at it. It seems to be something that only a few have mastered.

The power of perspective

You have incredible power to change your life by changing how you look at things.

“When you change the way you look at a thing, the the thing that you look at changes.” - Wayne Dyer

This is how you end your suffering. This is how you find happiness. This is how you create the life of your dreams.

Every situation just IS. It’s not good or bad. You give it meaning and attribute good or bad emotions to it. When you truly...

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How to Quit Your Job and Do What You Love

Uncategorized Oct 27, 2020

There is such a misconception today about how to create money and ultimately how to do life in general! When we are going through school and especially high school we aren’t encouraged to discover our mission in life…we are taught to get a job that will make us enough money to get the house and the car and maybe take a vacation once a year.

Rather than asking our young people "what are you doing after high school?" Why not ask  “What would you love to do with your life? How do you want to make this world a better place? What are you passionate about?” Instead we ask where they are going to go to college, what they’re taking and what job they want to have.

Sadly this results in a lot of people finding themselves several years into their careers very unhappy and unfulfilled.

I see it all the time and I speak from first hand experience. Someone follows the system, goes to college and gets the job. This person works for awhile and begins resenting...

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These 33 limiting beliefs are holding you back

Uncategorized Oct 10, 2020

If you’ve been into self development at all you are at least somewhat aware of limiting beliefs. We all have them and they can create all kinds of problems for us. They are often instilled in us during childhood from our parents, schools, community, religion, etc.

What is interesting is that most of us go through life thinking that our beliefs are factual instead of just an opinion or a perspective.

What is really cool is that once you realize that your beliefs aren’t fact (for the most part) then you can start to evaluate them. You will find many of your beliefs are not very helpful for you. They will hold you back from achieving your goals, going after your dreams and living your life free and to the fullest.

For example if you have a dream to open a restaurant but you believe that most restaurants fail and so yours will likely too, then that belief is stopping you from taking action on your dream.

Or maybe you are longing for your life partner but you believe all...

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Why Your Energy Is Chasing People Away

Uncategorized Sep 28, 2020

We’ve all met them…those magical creatures. They are magnetic, attractive, and alluring. You want to be around them and they make you feel so good. You like to tell other people about them and share their tweets with your pals. They even seem to have some sort of glow…and usually they smell really good too. 

This magical creature is a high vibe, charismatic person. You feel energized and happy from being around them and inspired to be more, be better, and live fuller.

The question is, are you in the magical creature club, or do you find yourself on the outside looking in?

If you are the latter don’t lose heart. This is something that can be developed and isn’t just about natural looks, charm, and “maybe she’s born with it” qualities.

First, let's take a look at what’s going on that is causing more of an energetic “stink” that chases people away.


Think of a time that you went shopping and were...

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The Self Development Junkie - why you’re not getting the results you want

Uncategorized Aug 31, 2020

I was talking with a lovely fellow at a Bob Proctor Seminar and I asked him if this was his first one. He was GA and seemed a bit insecure of himself, so I just assumed he was new into the self development world. You know how you can just sense a person’s sate.

He laughed and proudly said, “No way. I’ve been coming to these seminars for years.” I also found out that he attended many other seminars, has read many many books, had been writing his affirmations with his left hand (he was right handed) every day for the past 350 some days, and he was enrolled in different self development programs as well.

So of course I then wanted to know the incredible transformation that he must have been through. The goals achieved. The new business, the partner, the health victory. The dreams that had come true.

Again I was wrong. He went on to explain that nothing much had changed. He was still struggling to get his business to that next level, money was still tight, and...

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Why being lazy actually gets more done

Uncategorized Aug 30, 2020

I’m intrinsically lazy. The idea of working 8 hour days, let alone 18 hour days 5 days a week makes me melt into a puddle. A great way to stop me before I even get started is to paint a picture of all the work involved in accomplishing something. 

I read a report card that was given to me in elementary school and my teacher wrote that I would do much better in school If I focused more energy on getting the work done instead of figuring out ways to get out of it. 

For most of my life I have hated this part of me. I admired people that seemed to accomplish so much in such a short period of time. How did they get it all done? They must never sleep. I desired the success but didn’t want to give up chill time, watching movies, afternoons at the beach and the kind of stuff that I enjoyed that well, wasn’t work. I would push myself to the max for short periods of time with sheer will power. FORCE it. MAKE it happen. Then I’d be completely spent and spend...

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If You’re Working Hard, You’re Doing it Wrong

Uncategorized Aug 30, 2020

I used to believe that if I wasn’t working hard I wasn’t worthy of success, abundance, money, things, love, etc. Working hard was what I thought gave a person value. Not only that, I saw hard work as, well, hard. Not fun. Torture. Difficult. Drudgery. I didn’t want to do it, but when I didn’t work hard I felt guilty and worthless. 

What a terrible state I was in! Just writing that makes me want to give my old self a big hug and  tell her she’s worthy of love and good things even if she doesn’t work hard. In fact she can have all the beautiful and wonderful things she desires in an easy and effortless manner doing what she loves without the stress and struggle. 

And that’s true for you too. You can live in a way where you take action out of inspiration and excitement rather than forcing and will power.

The easiest way to get to this place where you manifest consistently in a fun and easy way is through meditation. But not just...

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